Previous Meetings

Click on this link to see the agenda for our January 20, 2023 meeting held at the PLSO Conference in Salem, Oregon.  


Click on this link to see the agenda for our June 17, 2022 meeting at the Umpqua Community College. 


Click on this link to see the agenda for our first meeting in 2022.  This meeting was held at the PLSO Conference in Salem, OR on January 21, 2022.


Click on this link to see the agenda for our Annual Meeting on September 17, 2021, held at the Deschutes County Fair and Expo.


Our next meeting will be held on Friday, January 24, 2020 from 1:30 to 4:30 in the Garden ABC Room of the Portland Sheraton Airport Hotel, located at 8235 Northeast Airport Way, Portland, Oregon 97220

Click here for the agenda for our first meeting in 2020


The annual meeting of the Oregon GNSS Users Group will be held on Friday, June 14, 2019 at the offices of the Deschutes National Forest in Bend, Oregon (the same location as last year, thanks to the efforts of our Past Chair, Bill Ham).

 Our current Chair, Casey Varnum, has assembled a variety of presenters and topics, including an update on OSU Geomatics projects by Dr. Jihye Park, PPP processing with drones by Chase Simpson, an ORGN update by Randy Oberg, a history of the Bohemia mining district by Mark Armstrong & Jim Colton, and a remote sensing “power hour”.  A copy of the agenda and an abstract of Mark and Jim’s presentation is attached.

 As always, the meeting is free to members, as is lunch, snacks, beverages, and a light breakfast.  We expect 5 PDH contact hours will be available for attendees who require them for their profession.  If you do plan on attending, please RSVP to me at so that we have enough seats and food for everyone.  And please, forward this announcement to your peers and co-workers who use GNSS in their professions as well—we’d be glad to have them aboard.​  You can see the agenda for this meeting here.


Our next meeting will be held Friday, January 18, 2019 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. in the Ernest Bloch room of the Hotel Eugene (formerly the Eugene Hilton), located at 66 East 6th Avenue in Eugene, Oregon.  Our meeting is being held coincident with the 2019 Annual Conference of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon, but registration at the PLSO Conference is not required for OGUG members who wish to attend our meeting that afternoon.  

Our scheduled topics and speakers include a presentation/demonstration on robotic mapping with LIDAR and GNSS by David Brandt of Quantum Spatial, National Geodetic Survey news by the newly appointed Northwest Regional Advisor, Dan Determan, and an Oregon Real-Time GNSS Network update by Randy Oberg of the Oregon Department of Transportation.   

We will also be holding officer elections for the OGUG Board, so if you are interested in running for President-Elect, Treasurer, or Secretary, speak up!  We’d be glad to have you aboard.  More information can be found at our website and the PLSO website:


We are pleased to announce that the annual meeting of the Oregon GNSS Users Group was held on Friday, June 15, at the offices of the Deschutes National Forest in Bend, Oregon (please note the new location for this year—don’t be that person who shows up at the wrong place and wonders where everyone is!). 

Our current Chair and Chair-Elect, Bill Ham and Casey Varnum, have cooked up a variety of presentations this year, including updates to GNSS signals and constellations, bridge inspections with UAS, a demonstration of the NGS NCAT program, an overview of collaboration projects between OSU & NGS, and online GNSS software processing options.  Details are attached.

As always, the meeting is free to members, as is lunch, snacks, beverages, and a light breakfast.  Typically, 5.5 PDH contact hours are available for attendees who require them for their profession.  If you do plan on attending, please RSVP to me at so that we have enough seats and food for everyone.  And please, forward this announcement to your peers and co-workers who use GNSS in their professions as well—we’d be glad to have them aboard.

If you aren’t currently a member of the Oregon GNSS Users Group, please consider joining us.  We advocate for all of those who utilize GNSS systems professionally in Oregon.  Membership is a bargain at only $12/year.  We typically hold a full-day workshop on current GNSS topics every spring, and members are entitled to attend our January and June meetings/presentations for free.  A link to start or renew your membership is in the links above.

Chris Munson, PE, PLS
Principal Engineer & Land Surveyor
Office:  (541) 550-7396
Mobile:  (541) 550-0139

Click here for a PDF of the agenda.


We had our Annual Meeting at the PLSO Conference that took place on 

Friday, January 20, 2017 from 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm.

Click here for a PDF of the agenda.

Click here for a PDF of the minutes.

Our Annual Meeting at Holinshead Barn in Bend, OR

Friday June 3, 2016     9:00 am – 3:30 pm
Hollinshead Barn, 1237 NE Jones Rd,    Bend, OR 97701

Coffee, pastries and catered lunch (sandwich) provided at NO CHARGE!

RSVP:  Chris Munson, Secretary  
Questions?  David Hills, Chair (503) 679-3865 


8:30 - 9:00      Coffee and pastries, networking

9:00 - 9:15      Welcome - David Hills, Chair

9:15 - 11:00   GNSS Basics and Review - Eric Gakstatter, GPS Consultant and Chair-Elect

                        Using the ORGN in a cellular-challenged environment – Randy Oberg, ODOT.

                        Vendor technology presentations (currently confirmed – Trimble, Javad).

11:00 - 12:00  Field Test Part 1 (see description below)

12:00 - 12:45  Free Lunch!

12:45 - 2:15    Field Test 2 (see description below)

2:15 - 2:30      Wrap up and Discussion

2:30 - 3:00      ORGN Update – ODOT ORGN Coordinator Ken Bays

3:00 - 3:30      NGS Update – Oregon State Geodetic Advisor Mark Armstrong

What is a GPS/GNSS Field Test?

Three points will be set in the area around the workshop, and positioned precisely using RTK techniques and the ORGN Real-Time Network.  Another point will be set by total station in an area obstructed by trees. The positions of each point will be provided in both NAD 83 (2011) and ITRF08 (WGS 84) datums.  At each point, a group leader will discuss a particular type of GPS/ GNSS technology and facilitate measurement by participants. The types of technology:  Real Time Kinematic receivers, Sub-meter mapping grade receivers, Recreational receivers and phones. Participants will rotate between points on a half-hour basis.

Date:  January 22, 2016
Time:  1:00 PM – 4:30 PM (1300-1630)
Location:  Eugene Hilton, Concurrent with PLSO Convention

Meeting Agenda:  

1:00-1:10  OGUG Attendee and Officer Introductions
1:10 - 1:30  Business Meeting

       - Officer Reports
       - Nominations and vote for new Officers

VRS-Now in Oregon (Justin didn't make it to this meeting)
1:30 – 2:00 Justin Kusterer, Trimble Navigation Limited – Positioning Services

ORGN update
2:00 – 2:15 Ken Bays, ODOT Lead Geodetic Surveyor

2:15 – 2:35  NGS Update
Mark Armstrong, NGS Oregon State Geodetic Advisor

2:35 – 3:00  Civil GPS Service Interface Committee (CGSIC) and Institute of Navigation (ION) GNSS Conference activities report.
Ken Bays, ODOT Lead Geodetic Surveyor

3:00 – 3:15  Break

3:15 – 4:15  Update on USMART control database
George Cathey, USACE Lead Land Surveyor

4:15 – 4:30 Vendor Reports


Date: June 11, 2015
Time: 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Place: Hollinshead Barn
1237 NE Jones Rd
Bend, OR 97701

Minutes for this meeting can be found here.


9:00 – 9:15 Network and coffee – speaker setup

9:15 – 9:45 Introductions and annual business meeting

9:45 – 10:45 Dam Fiasco at Bull Flat, Mike Berry, PLS, - Deschutes County Surveyor

10:45 – 11:00 Break

11:00 – 12:00 Space Weather, Impact of Storms on GPS Observations, Joseph Kunches - Director of Space Weather Services, ASTRA, LLC

Joe wrote an article for the Washington Post on the Maunder Minimum.

Joe's presentation on "Space Weather and GNSS" can be viewed and downloaded here.

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 UNAVCO presentation on the future of PBO, Dr. Glen Mattioli - Director Geodetic Infrastructure - UNAVCO

2:00 – 2:15 NGS Update, Mark Armstrong, PLS, WRE, Geodesist - NOAA/NOS/NGS Oregon State Geodetic Advisor

2:15 – 2:30 Online Interactive OCRS and ORGN Tool updates, Ken Bays, PLS - ODOT Lead Geodetic Surveyor and ORGN Technical Manager

2:30 – 3:00 Vendor reports

3:00 Adjourn

If you plan to attend please RSVP to Chris Munson at: by the end of the day on Monday June 1, 2015 so we have a good idea how many folks will be eating lunch.

Date: Friday, January 23, 2015

Time: 1:00 PM-4:30 PM (1300-1630)

Location: Salem Convention Center-Room to be announced
Meeting Agenda - Concurrent with PLSO Annual Convention

1:00-1:10 OGUG Attendee and Officer Introductions & Agenda for the afternoon · 2014 OGUG Officers · Dave Wellman, Chair · Jim Elam - Chair-Elect · Cael Neathamer- Secretary · John Minor-Treasurer

1:10-1:30 Business Meeting- Officers Reports · Presidents Report - David Wellman · Treasurers Report- John Minor · 2015 Officers Nominations and vote in new Officers · Discuss April 2015 Workshop ideas with: Lou Estey, Mark Huber, and Greg Helmer

· Announcements and Open Floor for the Good of the Order - October Seminar?

1:30-2:00 Ken Bays - ODOT Lead Geodetic Surveyor, ORGN Network Manager - PLS · Report on the September 2014 combined annual Civil GPS Service Interface Committee meeting and Institute of Navigation GNSS+ Conference. This will include updates on all GNSS constellation status and policy decisions, as well as highlights from various presentations on innovative uses of GPS. An update on the Oregon Real-time GPS Network.

2:00-2:30 Mark Armstrong - Oregon NGS Advisor - PLS · NGS update report · Oregon OPUS participation report · OPUS Projects discussion and ongoing training schedule availability

2:30-3:00 Break - Member networking

3:00-4:00 Michael Dennis - PLS, PE - Oregon State University and National Geodetic Survey · "NGS 58 and 59" - Guidelines for GNSS-derived ellipsoid and orthometric heights · Danger factors in taking orthometric elevations from your GNSS data · Methods and calculations for determining reliable orthometric height with GNSS · Discussion and questions

4:00-4:30 Vendor Reports - Open Floor · New products · New software · Current newsworthy industry updates

Friday, January 24, 2014
1:00 - 4:30 PM
Salem Convention Center
End of the 2014 PLSO Conference

Meeting Agenda - Concurrent with PLSO Annual Convention

1:00-1:10 OGUG Attendee and Officer Introductions & Agenda for the afternoon

* 2013 OGUG Officers
* Stephan Barott- Chair
* Dave Wellman- Chair-Elect
* Cael Neathamer- Secretary
* John Minor-Treasurer

1:10-1:30 Business Meeting- Officers Reports

* Presidents Report - Stephan Barott
* Treasurers Report- John Minor
* 2014 Officers Nominations and vote
* Discuss March 2014 Workshop potential with Dave Doyle (Retired NGS)
    Introduction to Geodetic Vertical Datums which covered NGVD 29, NAVD 88, tidal datums, Geoid models, gravity data, CORS and OPUS. Update to include a discussion          about the new national vertical datum
* Announcements-Open Floor for the Good of the Order

1:30-2:00 George Cathey - USACE Chief Surveyor - Portland, OR

* "Use Smart" - Public access of Control Points database in common use by USACE
* Discussion of points in the data base, access tips, and an on line demonstration

2:00 -2:30 Stephan Barott - PLS - Stephan Barott Land Surveying

* Case Study of a GPS and ALTA Survey
* GPS in a limited cell coverage area...ORGN, OPUS-RS, and OPUS published solutions. A comparison of expected accuracies and project requirements

2:30-3:00 Break - Member networking

3:00-3:30 Ken Bays - ODOT Lead Geodetic Surveyor, ORGN Network Manager

* Report from: Civil GPS Service Interface Meeting and the Institute of Navigation's GNSS 2013 conference.
* ORGN update and opportunity for open questions from the floor

3:30-4:00 Mark Armstrong - Oregon NGS Advisor

* NGS update report
* Oregon OPUS participation report
* OPUS Projects discussion and training schedule availability

4:00-4:30 Vendor Reports - Open Floor

* New products
* New software
* Current newsworthy industry update

Location: Hollinshead Barn, Bend, OR
Date: June 13, 2013
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


9:00-9:30    Network and coffee - speaker setup

9:30-10:00  Introductions and annual business meeting

10:00 - 10:30  Mike Berry, PLS - Deschutes County Surveyor:  Discussion of the Deschutes County Low distortion projection, history, use of, and comparisons with the new           Oregon projections.

10:30-10:45  Networking Stretch Break

10:45-11:30  Seth Shaw - Agriculture Data Solutions Manager and Matt Hamilton - Precision Agriculture with Simplot Grower Solutions of Halsey, OR.  Use and experience with GPS in precision agriculture applications in the Willamette Valley.

11:30-12:00  Stewart Snider, LSIT - Kuker-Ranken:  Real world experience with the Oregon and Washington RTK nets.

12:00-1:00  Lunch: Annual OGUG Tasty BBQ.

1:00-1:20  Mark Armstrong, PLS - NGS: NGS Issues, OPUS- Projects update and OPUS published data base discussion.

1:20- 1:45  Ken Bays, PLS - ODOT: ORGN datum realization change, ORGN check-in mark program ( and the Oregon Coordinate Reference System On-line GIS Toolkit.

1:45- 2:00  Networking Stretch Break

2:00 - 2:30  Pat Barott, PLS - Presentation on Eagle Point National Cemetery inventory, mapping, and re-alignment project.

2:30-3:00  Vendor reports

3:00 Adjourn

Important: If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Cael Neathamer,, by close of business on Wednesday, June 5, so we can have an idea of how much food to buy for the BBQ.


Please join us for our Annual Oregon GPS User Group Meeting in Bend, Oregon at Hollinshead Barn on June 15, 2012

Date: June 15, 2012
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Place: Hollinshead Barn, Bend, Oregon 


9:00 - 9:45       Mark Armstrong: what changes have occurred with NGS: NAD83 (CORS96) (Epoch 2002) to NAD83 (2011) (Epoch 2010.0)

9:45- 10:00      Mark Armstrong: "The Tool" for changing over data from old to new datum realization.

10:00- 10:45    Ken Bays: ORGN datum realization change

10:45-11:00      Break

11:00-11:30      Dan Hoekstra: Comparison of coordinate shifts and what it means to the surveyor to ignore the change (how much misfit?)

11:30-12:00      Shelby Griggs: Automated report generation.

12:00-1:00         Lunch

1:00-1:30           Shelby Griggs: FCC licensing rules.

1:30-2:00           Shelby Griggs: Eastern Oregon photo blog of a recent project

2:00-2:45           Vendor reports

Our Annual Meeting:

Date: June 3, 2011
Time: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Location: Hollinshead Barn, Bend, OR.

Click here for map.

9:00-9:15      Introductions and business meeting


10:15-10:30  Break

10:30-11:30  Light Squared Threat to GPS Spectrum, Eric Gakstatter, GPS World 

11:30-12:00  NGS Updates, Mark Armstrong, NGS

12:00-1:00    Lunch: Annual OGUG BBQ, no charge to attendees.

1:00-1:30      Oregon Coordinate Reference System On-line GIS Tool, Ken Bays, ODOT

2:00-3:00      Vendor reports     

Important:  If you plan to attend, please RSVP to  Cael Neathamer,, by close of business on Wednesday, June 1, so we can have an idea of how much food to buy for the BBQ.

Date: Friday, April 15, 2011
Time: 11:30 AM - 4:30 pm
Location: City of Springfield, 225 Fifth St., Springfield, OR 97477 

Meeting Agenda 

11:00 - 11:30 am   Board Meeting at Memos Mexican Restaurant
                                737 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477
                                Parking is limited, so it is suggested that participants park at City Hall and walk to the restaurant.  
Program Chair Position

Workshop Idea: Panel Discussion on the Do's and Don'ts of Everyday Surveying Practices

Workshop Idea: OCRS and Low Distortion Projections

June Speakers

 1:30 - 4:30 pm       Regular Meeting at Springfield City Hall

1:30 - 1:50 pm       Business Meeting

Special Election: Dan Hoekstra for 2011 Chair Elect

Open positions for 20112: Volunteers/Nominations

Treasurer's Report

Reminder: 2011 Dues are due

1:50 - 2:50 pm       Guest Speaker      [Glen Gibbons]

Glen Gibbons, Editor of "Inside GNSS"
GLONASS Status Update (and Galileo and Compass, too)

2:50 - 3:100pm      Break

3:00 - 3:30 pm       Guest Speaker - Mark Armstrong, NGS Oregon Advisor 
                                        Release of New CORS96A Version of OPUS

3:30 - 4:00 pm       Guest Speaker - Ken Bays, ODOT Lead Geodetic Surveyor
                                Alignment of ORGN to NGS Datum and Epoch Update
                                Status Update on OCRS Legislation

4:00 - 4:30 pm        Announcements and Vendor Updates
                                Recap of NSPS National GPS Measurement Event - Dan Hoekstra

                                Save the Date: June 3, 2011 for our Annual Meeting at Hollinshead Barn.


Date:   January 21, 2011
Time:   8:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Room: To be announced at the conference

At this meeting we will welcome our new chair, vote for board members, have speakers (information to be provided), and hear of new product lines from our vendors.

Meeting Agenda

8:00 – 8:10            OGUG Introductions & Agenda for the day

                             -2011 OGUG Officers

                                      -Annette DePaz -Chair

                                      -Cael Neathamer -Secretary

                                      -Treasurer - John Minor

8:10 – 8:20            Business Meeting - Officers Reports

                                      -Treasurers Report - John Minor

                                      -Announcements – Annette DePaz

8:20 - 9:20            Oregon LiDAR Consortium – John English - DOGAMI

9:20 – 10:20           OPUS Datum Conversion Tool for Oregon–        Armstrong/ Olsen


10:30 – 11:00         ODOT Machine Control Event – Ron Singh

11:00 – 11:15         OGUG Nominations for 2012 Positions

                                      -2012 Chair, Secretary, Treasurer nominations

11:15 – 11:30         GNSS Vendor Reports


Date: November 5, 2010
Time: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: Public Safety Building - Training Room
Address: 401 E 3rd St, Newberg, OR 97132


8:30 – 8:45               OGUG Welcome & Board Introductions – Lisa Lee

                                  Member & Attendee introductions

                                  Treasurer report – John Minor  

8:45 – 9:45               OPUS Datum Conversion Tool for Oregon– Mark Armstrong/ Michael Olsen           

9:45 – 10:45             Eagle Digital Imaging – David Shear

10:45 – 11:00           Break

11:00 – 12:00           GPS Marine Applications – Rob Hamilton, Power Squadron

12:00 – 12:30           Vendor Reports, Announcements, & Close


Annual Meeting and BBQ

Date: Friday, June 18, 2010
Time: 8:30 AM until 3:30 PM
Place: Hollinshead Barn, Bend, Oregon
Address: 1235 NE Jones Rd., Bend, OR 97701

Meeting Agenda

8:30 – 8:40    OGUG Introductions & Agenda for the day 

                          -2010 OGUG Officers

                                    - Lisa Lee – Chair

                                    - Annette de Paz - Chair Elect

                                    - Cael Neathamer - Secretary

                                    - John Minor - Treasurer

8:40 – 9:00      Business Meeting - Officers Reports 

                            -Treasurers Report - John Minor

                           -Review of OCRS Apr. 16, 2010 Workshop - Mark Armstrong

                            -Announcements - Lisa Lee

9:00 - 10:00       Presentation 

                           -OR Geospatial Enterprise Office Update – Cy Smith – OR Geo Info Officer

10:00 - 10:20     Break 

10:20 – 11:00     Presentation

                            - OPUS Programs Suite Update - Mark Armstrong – OR NGS Advisor

11:00 – 12:00     Presentation

                            - 3 G's of acceleration for Geomatics at OSU:  GPS, GIS, and Ground-based LIDAR - Michael Olsen - OSU

12:00 – 1:00     Lunch BBQ

1:00 – 2:00       Presentation

                         - LiDAR Specifications Review – Luke Savage – Global Spatial Intelligence                                     

 2:00 – 3:00       Presentation

                      - ORGN – Update - Ken Bays – ODOT Geometronics, 

                       - Open forum discussion: Experiences, concerns, solutions  

3:00 – 3:30       Vendor Updates

Oregon GPS Users Group (OGUG) January 2010 Meeting
Friday January 15th, 2009, 8:00am – 11:30am
Location: PLSO Annual Conference, Salem Convention Center, Croisan Creek Rooms A&B

Meeting Agenda 

8:00 – 8:10             OGUG Introductions & Agenda for the day 

                             -2010 OGUG Officers

                                       -Lisa Lee -Chair

                                       -Cael Neathhamer -Secretary

                                       -Treasurer - John Minor 

8:10 – 8:20             Business Meeting - Officers Reports 

                                       -Treasurers Report - John Minor

                                       -Review of OPUS Oct. 16,2009 Workshop - Mark Armstrong

                                       -Announcements - Lisa Lee 

8:20 - 9:20             Short Topics 

                                       -OCRS Update/April OGUG-ODOT Workshop TBD - Ron Singh

                                       -ORGN Update - Ken Bays

                                       -GEOID03 vs. GEOID09 in Oregon - Mark Armstrong 

9:20 - 10:20           GNSS/GIS in Emergency Management - Darel Paulk 


10:30 – 10:45          OGUG Nominations for 2011 Positions

                                       -2011 Chair, Secretary, Treasurer nominations 

10:45 – 11:30          GNSS Vendor Reports

Announcing a Special Workshop:

Oregon GPS User Group Workshop: NGS OPUS and HTDP
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009
Time: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
Location: Linn County (Fairgrounds) Expo Center, 3700 Knox Butte Rd., Albany, OR  97322    

Workshop Topics: 

National Geodetic Survey:
- Online Positioning User Service (OPUS) 
- Horizontal Time Dependent Positioning (HTDP) software

Workshop Flyer and Registration Form

Workshop Detailed Agenda

Map to the Linn County Expo Center

Oregon GPS Users Group (OGUG) June Meeting 2009

Date: Friday, June 19, 2009
Time: 9:00 AM until 4:00 PM
Place: Hollinshead Barn, Bend, Oregon

Meeting Agenda

9:00 – 9:30                     OGUG Introductions

                                     Around the room introductions

                                     Speakers of the day

                                     BBQ lunch and birthday party (OGUG 1980-2009)

                                     Special guests: Lyle Riggers & Curt Smith (Past NGS Oregon Advisors) 

9:30 – 9:45                     Business Meeting - Officers Reports 

                                     October 16th workshop announcement and flyer


10:00 – 11:15                 Ken Austin – UNAVCO – NW Region Plate Boundary Observatory Update

11:15 – 11:45                 Oregon Low Distortion Projection Committee Update – Ron Singh

Noon                             BBQ Lunch and OGUG Birthday Cake

1:30 – 2:30                    John Sharrard – ESRI – Survey Analyst

2:30 – 3:00                    ORGN Update w/ Precision Agriculture – Ken Bays

3:00 – 4:00                    General member discussion 

Our last meeting was held in conjunction with the 2009 PLSO Annual Convention at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion hotel on Friday, January 30th, from 8am -11:30am, Room PettyGrove (32-class).


8:00 – 8:10                OGUG Board Introductions – Gina Buckel

                                     Pass out meeting agenda

8:10 – 8:20                 OGUG History and Membership Information – Lisa Lee/Mark Armstrong      

8:20 – 9:00                 GNSS Vendor ‘New GNSS Products’ Reports – 10 minute lightning reports

                                      Leica- Steve Hills or Jason Halttunen from Kuker Ranken

                              Trimble- George Hischar from Pacific Survey Supply

                              Topcon- Richard Hill from PPI

                              Javad- Michael Glutting from Javad

                              Trimble Mapping Grade GPS/GIS-Electronic Data Solutions–Jim Lahm

9:00 – 9:20                 C.G.C.I.C. Report – Ken Bays

9:20 – 10:00              GIS Presentation – Title TBD - Cress Bates

                                     ORMAP GPS to GIS Cadastal Fit

10:00 – 10:10            Quick Break

10:10 – 10:30            Truck Tracking Project – Ken Bays

10:30 – 10:50            Oregon Low Distortion Projection Committee Update – Ron Singh

10:50 – 11:10            OGUG General Announcements – Lisa Lee

 1.      Upcoming meeting dates scheduled for the year.

 2.      Treasurers report – John Minor

 3.      Ideas for the 2009 OGUG Annual Workshop

11:10 – 11:30             OGUG Nominations for 2010 (Members Only Voting) – Gina Buckel

                                      Accepting nominations for 2010 Chair Elect.–

                              Accepting nominations for 2010 Secretary – 

                              Accepting nominations for 2010 Treasurer -

Lunch (Not provided)
The Oregon GPS Users Group partnered with ODOT and held a one day workshop on charting the future for Low Distortion Projections in Oregon. 
The workshop was held at the Linn County Fairgrounds  in Albany , OR.

Date: November 4, 2008
Time: 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Cost: $25 pre-register, $35. at the door 

Meeting Agenda

Morning session – Information and Education

Introduction                                                           Lisa Lee                                      8:00 am

Making the Case for Change                            Ron Singh                                  8:15 am

Low Distortion Projects                                     Michael Dennis                         8:45 am

Break                                                                                                                          10:15 am

The NGS Connection                                          Dave Minkel                            10:30 am

Projections in GIS                                                Michael Dennis                       11:00 am

Academic/OIT Perspective                                Jack Walker                            11:30 am


Lunch (provided)                                                                                                     12:00 pm

 Afternoon Session – Implementation in Oregon 
Introduction                                                          Ron Singh                                   1:00 pm

Determining Acceptable Distortion                Ron Singh                                   1:15 pm

Federal/State Roles and Responsibilities     Dave Zilkoski/Singh                  1:30 pm

Arizona Examples                                               Michael Dennis                           2:00 pm

Wisconsin Case Study                                       John Ellingson                          2:15 pm

Break                                                                                                                              2:45 pm

Oregon Conditions                                             Dennis/Walker/Singh                3:00 pm

Next Steps                                                             Ron Singh                                   3:45 pm

Adjourn                                                                   Lisa Lee                                       4:00 pm

If you attended the last meeting of the GPS group in Bend, you will recall the lively discussion that followed the presentation by Ron Singh, Chief of Surveys/Geometronics Manager for ODOT.  There was clearly interest in the idea of changing the statewide coordinate system to improve accuracies and provide better agreement of ground and grid distances.

We have put together a distinguished panel of experts in the fields of geodesy, coordinate systems, and projections who will discuss the various options that are available and look at ways to implement the changes.  Our speakers include Dave Minkel - NGS Advisor to Arizona , Michael Dennis - Geodetic Analysis, LLC, Jack Walker - Professor of Geomatics, Oregon Institute of Technology, and Ron Singh - Chief of Surveys/Geometronics Manager, Oregon Department of Transportation.

Whether you do surveying, engineering work, or bring it all together in a GIS (Geographic Information System) you will want to attend this workshop.  You can help determine the direction the state will eventually go on this important subject.  Don’t be left out; let your voice be heard and your opinions be shared.

Annual Meeting 2008

Our Annual meeting was held at the Hollinshead Barn in Bend, OR, Friday, June 20, 2008 from 8:30 AM until 4:00 PM.  (Meeting time corrected on 6-13-2008)

We served a great BBQ lunch for all attendees. 

Hollinshead Barn
1237 NE Jones Road
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 317-3574 (Hollinshead Barn local phone)


8:30:    Welcome & Introductions

            Treasure’s Report – John Minor

            Brief Vendors Update

9:00:    The 2004-2008 Eruption at Mt. St. Helens with a little Three Sisters thrown in:

             Mike Lisowski, Gene Iwatsubo, USGS – Cascade Volcanoes Observatory:

9:45:     Break

10:00:   GPS Tracking of Animals on Landscapes & Monitoring Vegetation Using GPS Positioned Photography:

             Dr. Douglas Johnson, OSU Dept of Rangeland Ecology & Management

 11:00:   GPS Fire Information and Its use within GIS in Tactical Incident Fire Support, and Regional Strategic Decision Making:

Fire GPS Field Observer (FOBs) – Randy Herron)
Responsibilities of Field Observers on an active incident.

Mobile GPS Lead FS/BLM - Aaron Dick
Combined Position (Northrup Grumman Contract) for Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management at the State Office Portland, OR.
Techniques, software, hardware, standards, and methods to transfer data quickly with GIS software.

GIS Specialist for Incident Support (GISS) - Allison Mead, GIS Specialist on the Prineville District BLM
Use of GPS data for inclusion into Standard Maps in Support of an Active Incident, and secondary uses for Regional Decision Making.

 12:00: Lunch: 

Provided at no charge; however, you must RSVP to Lisa Lee,, by Monday, June 16, if you plan to eat lunch with us.  We need to know how much food to purchase.

 1:00:   Monitoring the Burning Man Event in Black Rock Desert:

            Laura Levy, GPS/GIS Consultant, formerly with Winnemucca BLM Office

Demonstration of the combined power of GPS/GIS geospatial technologies to monitor the Burning Man event: the largest permitted event on public lands in the United States.

1:45:    Break

2:00:   Status of the National Differential GPS (NDGPS):

Rudy Persaud, Federal Highway Administration

 LCDR Jacob Ramos, NDGPS Hardware Installation Manager, USCG

Update on the operational and expansion status of the NDGPS 

3:00:   The Oregon State Plane Coordinate System: End of an Era?

Ron Singh, ODOT Geometronics Manager/Chief of Surveys

A look at the problems with our legacy State Plane Coordinate System and options for new Low Distortion Projections in Oregon

3:45:   Wrap-up, Q & A

4:00:   Adjourn

A previous meeting was held on Friday, February 22, 2008 at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany.   The meeting began at 9:00 AM and went until 12:30 PM.    


9:00 AM -  Welcome and Introductions

·        Officers for 2008

·        Tom Hamilton – Geo-caching

·        Chuck Gibbs – Re-monumentation of old GLO sites

·        Mark Armstrong – Satellite Constellations

·        Ken Bays – Update on ODOT projects

12:00 Noon - Adjourn 

Our Annual Meeting 2007

Our Annual June meeting was held on Friday, June 15, 2007 from 8:15 AM until 4:00 PM at the Hollinshead Barn in Bend, OR.  The Oregon GPS Users Group hosted a regional meeting of the State and Localities Subcommittee of the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee and offered subject matter relevant to Northwestern states.  

Click here for a map to the Hollinshead Barn.

Here's a  link to the Civil GPS Service Interface Committee.

Rudy Persaud, Chair, States and Localities Subcommittee, US CGSIC: "What is CGSIC States and Localities and what are we doing here?"


NDGPS funding status: FY07, FY078, US DOT Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) Funding Study                Federal Register Notice on NDGPS funding study.

Rick Foote, NGS, CORS: "NGS CORS Update"

National CORS

NDGPS as an important component of national CORS


NGS plans to assist regional Real Time Networks (follow-up from NGS proposal at CGSIC, Sept. 20906, Ft. Worth)

US Coast Guard National Differential GPS System (NDGPS) 

Operational Status of NDGPS

The NDGPS Program Manager's Office is responsible for the operation and building of new stations for NDGPS.


Gary Gervelis: City of Seattle: "Update on Washington State Reference Network and On-GRID Program for Real-time Networks"

Jim Arnold, Electrical Engineer, Turner Fairbanks Research Center, US Federal Highway Administration: "High Accuracy NDGPS Status"

Ken Bays, Oregon DOT: "Update on Oregon Real-Time Network"

Darrel Bain, Mark Turner, CALTRANS "Update on CALTRANS Real-Time Network"

12:00 Noon - Lunch

Jim Arnold - Electrical Engineer, Tuner Fairbanks Research Center, US Federal Highway Administration, and member of the Policy Implementation Team for NDGPS

High Accuracy NDGPS Status

High Accuracy NDGPS is 0.1 meter real-time, 0.001 meter post processed accuracy

Scott McElrath - Deschutes County Oregon, "Use of GPS and GIS for Weed Management in Deschutes County"

Randy Stuart - Pacific Survey Supply, "GPS Machine Control"

3D machine control systems available, how they are configured on different equipment, how they work with GPS and Optical guidance sensors, and how companies can interface with contractors who use these guidance systems.

Rudy Persuad

Wrap Up - User Feedback

How to contact Rudy

What Rudy will do with information from this regional CGSIC meeting

4:00 PM - Adjourn

Meeting on Friday, February 9, 2007, at the BLM building in Eugene, OR.    

The agenda was as follows:

A tour of the 3Di facility including lunch, compliments of 3Di*

Matteo Luccio, editor of the GIS Monitor.  He will be speaking on several topics including the birth of Galileo and the re-birth of GLONASS, satellite imagery availability, integrating CAD data into GIS, and the switch to 3D

Megan Lawrence, a grad student at U of O, will be giving a talk on her Master’s thesis, “Mapping the Brain”

We will also be welcoming our new officers, President Eathan Nicely and President-Elect Gina Buckel

For a map of this meeting location, please click here.

Meeting on Friday, October 27, 2006 at Marion County Public Works building from 9:00 AM until Noon. 

Our agenda was as follows:

Cy Smith spoke about Navigator

Don Lewis from DOGAMI (Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries) spoke about the Western Oregon Lidar proposal

Ron Singh and Ken Bays of ODOT provided a live demonstration of the Oregon Real-time GPS Network.

Product updates from vendors    


From the South take exit 252.  Go east on Kuebler Blvd which will turn into Cordon Rd.   Continue to Silverton Road , take a right and enter complex at Gate 1. 

From the North use exit 260B.  Turn left on Chemawa Rd , which will become Hazelgreen.  Continue on Hazelgreen to four-way stop at Cordon Rd.   Turn right to traffic light at Silverton Rd.   Turn left and enter complex at Gate 1.  

Office in located in the main building, first floor.

Held at the Hollinshead Barn in Bend, OR, on the first day of summer, Wednesday, June 21, 2006. 

Hollinshead Barn
1237 NE Jones Road
Bend, OR 97701
(541) 317-3574 (Hollinshead Barn local phone)

The meeting began at 9:00 AM and ended at 3:30 PM.  BBQ lunch was served on the patio to all attendees.   

Our featured speaker was Jack W. Peters of Lane County Sheriff Search and Rescue.  He has been working on a number of projects in the GPS field that will be of interest to our group.  There will also be presentations from several members who are using innovative approaches to meet the challenges we all face in the field.

Meeting Agenda


9:00  Welcome & Introductions 

Treasurer’s Report – John Minor
Workshop Options

9:30  Acknowledgement of NGS Advisors – Dixon Hoyle  

9:45  ODOT Update – Ron Singh, Ken Bays 

10:15  Break

10:30  Adventures in GPS - Jack Peters
NOON – LUNCH: B-B-Q Lunch & GPS Treasure Hunt


1:00  Mapping roads with a Combined GPS & Inertial Guidance System - Tom Workman - Eathan Nicley 

1:30  POSLV Mapping Vehicle

1:45  Break 

2:00  3D Laser, GPS Network, & Lidar – New Tools for Geologic Analysis and Cultural Data Collection - Dave Wellman  

2:45  Vendor Showcase

3:30  Adjourn

February 24, 2006
9:00 AM - Noon

BLM Office
289 Chad Drive
Eugene, OR 97408-7336
(541) 683-6600

Meeting Agenda

9:00    Welcome and Introductions 

   ODOT Update on reference station network – Ken Bays & Ron Singh

   City of Eugene Broadcast RTK Network – Tim Fassbender

   Garmin Avionics – John Estabrook

   Lane Co. Sheriff Search and Rescue – Jack W. Peters

   Website upgrade and OGUG domain – Jim Lahm

12:00  Adjourn